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Omar Mireles

President, HSL Properties


Omar is a Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, native and grew up in Tucson, AZ. After attending Cornell University for his undergraduate studies in Policy Analysis of Consumer Economics and Housing, he joined the investment banking firm of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) in New York City as an Analyst in its Real Estate Finance Group in 1998. During his tenure at DLJ, he worked on fixed and floating rate commercial mortgage backed securities offerings, bond investor & rating agency asset presentations, and private placement transactions. After DLJ’s merger with Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) in 2000, he became an Associate in CSFB’s Real Estate Finance and Securitization Group. At CSFB he managed correspondent broker relationships, while underwriting commercial property mortgages. In 2001 he was promoted to head the CSFB Small Balance Loan Program underwriting team and was appointed to CSFB’s real estate credit committee in 2002. Omar was awarded the group’s most valuable team player award in 2001 and 2002.

Omar joined HSL Properties, Inc., as its executive vice president in July 2003 and was named president in 2015. He oversees the company’s real estate portfolio, valued at over $1.3 billion, and manages the company’s asset acquisitions, dispositions and financings. He also manages the Company’s property development operation, which has constructed four apartment communities and two hotels since 2010 with a total project value of over $170 million. The Company is currently building three large apartment communities with a total project value of over $160 million.


Omar is also president of HSL Asset Management, LLC, which currently manages approximately 10,000 apartment units and employs over 350 apartment industry professionals.

Omar currently serves as a board member of the Arizona Multihousing Association (AMA) and has served as co-chair of the AMA’s Political Action Committee. He also serves on the board of Sun Corridor, the lead economic development agency for the greater Tucson metropolitan area and sits on the board of the Downtown Tucson Partnership. He is a member of the Southern Arizona Leadership Council and the Tucson Airport Authority. He has also recently served on the board of the Southern Arizona Defense Alliance.

On the philanthropic front, Omar has served on the United Way’s community advisoryboard and on the board of Tu Nidito Children and Family Services. He is currently a board member of Salpointe Catholic High School and serves on the Diocese of Tucson Finance Council. He is also a member of the Tucson Conquistadores. Omar also serves as a board member and treasurer of the H.S. Lopez Family Foundation.

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